How do undo, redo, and select all work?

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How do undo, redo, and select all work?

Post by harem »

How do undo, redo, and select all commands on the radial menu work?

I find that these are automatically working in my application even though I didn't set them up. They don't cause controller events but just click events on the menu items. How is it identifying and activating them and which other commands do that too?
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Re: How do undo, redo, and select all work?

Post by jwick »

They send keyboard events to the system. As such, they can be keyboard layout specific.
Many of these are defaults we created that make sense for our typical customers.
As you probably guessed, it is all based on what cfg file is in use.
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Re: How do undo, redo, and select all work?

Post by harem »

OK, but where's the default config that gets inherited from? The one in %APPDATA% contains


But there's nothing in


How can I see the contents of STR_DEFAULT_S80_V3DCMD which presumably has the keyboard shortcuts?

I can't have layout specific keyboard events because my application uses the same letters (CTRL+Z for undo, etc) regardless of layout.
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Re: How do undo, redo, and select all work?

Post by jwick »

If specific assignments are not made in an app-specific cfg file, they get inherited from somewhere else down the chain of cfgs.
The default cfgs we ship are in %programfiles%\3Dconnexion\3DxWare\3DxWinCore64\Cfg.

The complete CfgChain for your app will currently be: %appdata%/3Dconnexion/3DxWare/Cfg/<your app name.xml> --->
<3DxWinCore64>/AppDefCfg_S80_V3DCMDs.xml ---->

The Radial Menu that contains the redo, undo commands is in Base, ID = Base_MenuRM1. This is included by default.

This starts to get into the area where I can't predict what you want to do, so I give you the ability to do whatever you want to do. If you want to remove that menu completely, you can do one thing. If you want to create another menu that is specific to your app, you can do another. I suggest you leave that menu alone and create and use another.

There is an editing mode to the GUI that helps you do some of these things. We can help you with that over the api support email.
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Re: How do undo, redo, and select all work?

Post by harem »

Thanks jwick. I want to remove those menu options altogether, even from the properties button configuration window so nobody can try to assign them to a button or a menu, since they won't work correctly. I also want to add my own versions of them that use the correct shortcut keys for my application. I should have no trouble adding my own versions using application commands but not sure how to remove the defaults. Can I somehow do it without installing a custom cfg file for my application?
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Re: How do undo, redo, and select all work?

Post by jwick »

I've tried to give you the flexibility to do anything you want. You can do modifications on anything you see now because we use the same mechanisms that I have made available for you. It's a very open and flexible architecture.

But the mechanism for much of it is the XML file. This is how your desired settings get shared amongst all the components of our software that contribute to what you see.

I can help you with this. But it is probably easier through the API email address.
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