Blender - Ubuntu - 3dConnexion - Installation and Testing.

Questions and answers about 3Dconnexion devices on UNIX and Linux.

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Was it easy for you set up your 3d controller in Blender?

No, never did get it going
No, just started, still trying but had to come to the forums.
Yes, 1st try was all it took.
No votes
No, took days of dregging to finally get it going.
Yes, but took a few tries.
No votes
Total votes: 7

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Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:00 am

Re: Blender - Ubuntu - 3dConnexion - Installation and Testin

Post by omac »

Hi there,

I just received my Space Navigator 3D mouse. I have Ubuntu 12.10.
I started by trying the x86_64 version of the driver and ran the install script for it as specified. Then when I ran the xcube demo, it complained about a missing library.
I installed spacenavd and libspacenav from the Ubuntu 12.10 repositories, but the Space Navigator doesn't seem to do anything except show the blue light on.
It doesn't replace the normal mouse which I understand is ok.
When I go to the Ubuntu 12.10 repo version of blender, the Space Navigator does not rotate anything. You have a version called NDOF for blender. Why is it necessary to be so different to the point it won't work with the default repository version? Isn't there anyway to make this work with the Ubuntu Repository versions?
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Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:00 am

Re: Blender - Ubuntu - 3dConnexion - Installation and Testin

Post by omac »

omac wrote:Hi there,

I just received my Space Navigator 3D mouse. I have Ubuntu 12.10.
I started by trying the x86_64 version of the driver and ran the install script for it as specified. Then when I ran the xcube demo, it complained about a missing library.
I installed spacenavd and libspacenav from the Ubuntu 12.10 repositories, but the Space Navigator doesn't seem to do anything except show the blue light on.
It doesn't replace the normal mouse which I understand is ok.
When I go to the Ubuntu 12.10 repo version of blender, the Space Navigator does not rotate anything. You have a version called NDOF for blender. Why is it necessary to be so different to the point it won't work with the default repository version? Isn't there anyway to make this work with the Ubuntu Repository versions?
Ok so the error was fixed by installing libmotif4.

Then I ran ./xcube, but I got
3DxWare: xdrvlib.c
3DxWare MotionEvent = 0
3DxWare ButtonPressEvent = 0
3DxWare ButtonReleaseEvent = 0
3DxWare CommandEvent = 0
No driver is running. Exit ...

The line "No driver is running. Exit..." bothers me because if the driver wasn't running, if I understand correctly, the blue light on the mouse would not be on.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:00 am

Re: Blender - Ubuntu - 3dConnexion - Installation and Testin

Post by omac »

omac wrote:
omac wrote:Hi there,

I just received my Space Navigator 3D mouse. I have Ubuntu 12.10.
I started by trying the x86_64 version of the driver and ran the install script for it as specified. Then when I ran the xcube demo, it complained about a missing library.
I installed spacenavd and libspacenav from the Ubuntu 12.10 repositories, but the Space Navigator doesn't seem to do anything except show the blue light on.
It doesn't replace the normal mouse which I understand is ok.
When I go to the Ubuntu 12.10 repo version of blender, the Space Navigator does not rotate anything. You have a version called NDOF for blender. Why is it necessary to be so different to the point it won't work with the default repository version? Isn't there anyway to make this work with the Ubuntu Repository versions?
Ok so the error was fixed by installing libmotif4.

Then I ran ./xcube, but I got
3DxWare: xdrvlib.c
3DxWare MotionEvent = 0
3DxWare ButtonPressEvent = 0
3DxWare ButtonReleaseEvent = 0
3DxWare CommandEvent = 0

No driver is running. Exit ...

3DxWare: xapp.c
3DxWare Root Window=0x000000BD
3DxWare Application Window=0x04200001

3DxWare: xdrvlib.c
3DxWare MotionEvent = 0
3DxWare ButtonPressEvent = 0
3DxWare ButtonReleaseEvent = 0
3DxWare CommandEvent = 0

The end ..........

The line "No driver is running. Exit..." bothers me because if the driver wasn't running, if I understand correctly, the blue light on the mouse would not be on.
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Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:22 am

Re: Blender - Ubuntu - 3dConnexion - Installation and Testin

Post by ngomes »

Hi omac,
The line "No driver is running. Exit..." bothers me because if the driver wasn't running, if I understand correctly, the blue light on the mouse would not be on.
Can you send me the device PID number (see label near the USB plug) by a private message (PM)? Please don't post this number publicly as it is best kept confidential (the PID is a serial number, unique for each device).
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:00 am

Re: Blender - Ubuntu - 3dConnexion - Installation and Testin

Post by omac »

I've got it working with ubuntu 12.10 and blender finally.
Uninstalled the proprietary driver

Here is my /etc/spnavrc

rm /etc/inittab which only contained the line for the spacenavigator.
installed from the ubuntu 12.10 repository spacenavd libspnav libspnav-dev:
apt-get install spacenavd libspnav libspnav-dev

cd /usr/share/doc/libspnav-dev/examples/cube/
cp ~/.Xauthority /root/
service spacenavd start
spnavd_ctl x11 start

This installs blender 2.64:
add-apt-repository ppa:irie/blender
apt-get update
apt-get install blender

When I run blender after that, the spacenavigator 3d mouse runs without any other tweaking involved.
While you're at it, have a look at SpaceAR.Drone sources. They show how to use the SpaceNavigator connected to an Android Tablet to remote-control a drone. Very cool.
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