Space Mouse used in DAWS like Cubase?

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Space Mouse used in DAWS like Cubase?

Post by psh_vt »

I was curious if anyone has tried the Space Mouse with music production software.

Obviously it's not 3D, but you are navigating up/down, left/right and zoom in/out. It sort of works with a mouse and scroll wheel and modifier keys, but seems like the Space Mouse might be a good solution.

Would love to hear if anyone has tried this or has any experience mapping the Space Mouse in applications that don't natively support it.
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Re: Space Mouse used in DAWS like Cubase?

Post by jwick »

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Re: Space Mouse used in DAWS like Cubase?

Post by psh_vt »

I'm not thinking of using it as a MIDI controller (which the other thread addresses) but as a navigation tool.

That is -- using it for scrolling and zooming in the DAW workspace. With a normal mouse, in a DAW like Nuendo-Cubase you use a combination of the scroll wheel scroll and click and ctrl-shift mod keys to do left/right scroll and horizontal zoom and you have shortcut keys for vertical scroll/zoom.

I could imagine the Space Mouse providing 4 degrees of freedom to do all that with just the puck -- x and y scrolling and x and y zooming. It could provide the same kind of improvement you have in programs like Blender where, instead of using your mouse and mod keys the Space Mouse could provide a fluid way of integrating all motions more naturally.

Perhaps the Space Mouse needs to be supported within the software to be used? But I'm posting this in case there's some way to create your own mapping to use the Space Mouse in software that doesn't have built-in support.
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Re: Space Mouse used in DAWS like Cubase?

Post by jwick »

I see. You want more sophisticated windows operations in the DAWS window.

By default, the 3D mouse should be scrolling the window (assuming it has a scrollbar).
That can be extended.

There's no GUI to help you. You would have to edit XML files to tell the driver what to send for the various axes.

If you were truly ambitious you could even do different operations for different parts of the window (sliders, jog wheel, ...). That would involve writing code though.
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