Inventor - Barely visible Radial Menu icons

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Inventor - Barely visible Radial Menu icons

Post by B1NM4N »

As the title "Inventor - Barely visible Radial Menu icons" suggests...
...the icons on the radial menu are barely visible when using Inventor.
Screenshot 2024-04-24 Inv Radial.png
Screenshot 2024-04-24 Inv Radial.png (15.45 KiB) Viewed 786 times
Is there a dark Mode available? so these pale icons are on a mid/dark grey background
Can these Icons be refreshed to make them darker and visible on a white background?
Can they be replaced with Text?

Do I just need to "get used to using it" and wait for "muscle memory" to kick in - so I'm not even looking at what they are?
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Re: Inventor - Barely visible Radial Menu icons

Post by ngomes »

This is a known issue (internally tracked as PMSW-465) when running Inventor in "light mode".

Try the following procedure:
  1. Exit Inventor.
  2. Uninstall 3DxWare 10.
  3. Start Inventor and switch it to dark mode.
  4. Exit Inventor.
  5. Install 3DxWare 10 (latest version is available from here).
  6. Start Inventor, load the documents that you usually work with (Part, Assembly) and wait for the icons to come up (the add-in needs about a minute working in the background to cache everything it needs).
  7. Once the icons are shown with darker colours, switch the application back to light mode.
It is not strictly necessary to uninstall 3DxWare 10 but that's probably the easiest to remove the icon data cached by the add-in.
Nuno Gomes
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Re: Inventor - Barely visible Radial Menu icons

Post by B1NM4N »

Thank you, ngomes.

Inventor is already running in dark mode.
I just added a cadmouse to the existing spacemouse - and updated to the latest 3DxWare.

I was tempted to do a complete wipe and re-install for the workstation...'s about 3 years old and has multiple installed copies of AutoCAD and Inventor for the last few releases.

The new 2025 ACAD & Inv are now available so stripping it all back and a fresh install sounds like the way forward.

Thanks for the advice
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