SP Pro hardware/software ideas...

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Magic Man
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SP Pro hardware/software ideas...

Post by Magic Man »

Okay, so I’ve had my Space Pilot Pro for a couple of months now and have been very pleased with it. I’ve already created a few posts in the feedback forum with ideas for changes here and there that I think would be beneficial but that doesn’t seem to get much, well, feeback, so I thought I’d add a few more here…!

Hardware updates/changes/ideas:
Buttons need to be function neutral, i.e. no specific functionality labels on the keycaps so that the device is as application dependent as possible. Seems confusing that each button can be customised to a totally different function and yet it has a defined, static label on the key itself.

Additionally, since the device button layout has been designed to be almost perfectly symmetrical, it follows that left handed users may want the same key layout but reversed as appropriate for use with their right hand, in which case the button labels then become totally the wrong way around.

Ideally, button labels would be customisable but since the only practical way of doing this would be with mini led/oled displays then it’s not cost effective. You could label the keys in a neutral manner following on from the 1-5 (6-10) button cluster, e.g. 11-15 (16-20) for the other cluster with the remaining keys marked using alphabetical characters or non specific symbols.

The + - speed/sensitivity button, being the only button with such an action, should really be of a different physical design than the others with a more definite rocker style action.

For future versions, please backlight the keys in some way, preferably using three colour LEDs the same as the G13 keypad and G19 keyboard and then make use of the same linked functionality to control the colours. Could match a specific colour to the child config set (see below for child configs) in the same way that key colours can be set for the three layout modes on the G13 keypad.

Software updates:
Extend the dual function, short press/long press, to all buttons.

Lay out the button configuration manager according to the layout of the device rather than just two lists of select boxes. Do the same with all the keys on the LCD applet view rather than just the two clusters. These displays shouldn’t rely on the printed keycap legend for identification since we want to move away from that. Identify them by their physical and relative location as you would with your fingers alone.

Select/give focus to the appropriate select list for configuring the button when the corresponding button is pressed.

Allow multiple child configs per overall adult config. I.e. the ability to have a master config per application but child configs associated with it, each able to inherit all the parent settings but with the ability to have changes unique to them.

Allow the ability to select config from the device LCD panel applet.

Allow user customisation of the LCD applet.

I’ve got plenty of other ideas, e.g. put a wheel and/or touch surface on the cap for additional functionality, make the USB cable socketed for easier transportation, include a USB hub in the base for use with a tablet and/or mouse etc.

As said before, if you want further ideas and/or another hardware/software beta tester, let me know… :wink:
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Post by jwick »

Keep them coming Magic Man. Your posts are the only ones we actively talk about internally. Of course, some of your suggestions are a little more far reaching than others. They're all good.
Magic Man
Posts: 223
Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:51 am
Location: South Wales

Post by Magic Man »

Cheers for that, will do...!
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