Manual ButtonBank switching?

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Manual ButtonBank switching?

Post by mhoopes »

I know that some applications have context support where the ButtonBank is automatically changed depending on the current mode of the application (PART, ASSEMBLY, for instance). This allows for macros and radial menus to change with intra-application context.

Many vendors with multiple contexts within a single application haven't implemented this in 3DxWare (Altium, I'm looking at you). It would be very helpful for the user to be able to take advantage of this where it isn't pre-programmed, and also be able to do it for all 3Dx devices.

I can see a couple of different ways the user might want to use this, once additional user-defined ButtonBanks have been established. Persistent, and temporary. Preferably, switching could be initiated using an application-specific combo on the system keyboard. A temporary popup visual cue indicating the name of the ButtonBank would also be good to have.

Persistent: A configurable system keyboard combo, like Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S. Cycles through all available user-defined ButtonBanks (or back to application control, where provided).
Temporary: Configurable system keyboard "modifier" keys, like Ctrl/Shift/Ctrl+Shift, that change to a specific ButtonBank while depressed, and let it fall back to the previous Persistent ButtonBank when released. The keyboard emulator Ctrl Lock and Shift Lock status should be ignored.

I imagine I haven't thought of some of the UX conflicts that might arise with the Temporary method, as these are common modifier keys that some users may already be using in combination with some 3Dx buttons. The latter is why I requested Ctrl Lock and Shift Lock a while back, so I can't think of any conflicts in my Altium, PTC, or Dassault applications.

Applications that already have multiple ButtonBanks established by the vendors probably shouldn't have their existing pre-programmed ButtonBanks cycled manually, though I can see some utility in being able to add user-defined ButtonBanks that could be selected.

Jim, you indicated that the system keyboard "modifier" method above might be supported in the xml code (though not in the GUI); how does one manually change a ButtonBank there? I wouldn't mind testing that function to see what issues might arise in operation.
Michael Hoopes
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Re: Manual ButtonBank switching?

Post by jwick »

What 3Dx devices do you have?
You can do a lot using our device buttons. It's really only useful IMO if you have an LCD to show that the ButtonBanks are changing.
Getting access to the kb modifiers is a TBD.

I can email you some files to experiment with....realizing that you have real work to do, other than experimenting with XML files.
Though you have always provided useful, insightful feedback.
Posts: 139
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Location: Campbell, CA

Re: Manual ButtonBank switching?

Post by mhoopes »

Thanks, Jim. I usually dedicate about 4 hours a week to "process improvement", which sometimes includes stuff like this.

I take it the system keyboard can't be used as a trigger in the xml files, is that correct?

I currently have the SpaceMouse Compact and Numpad Pro. I was also using the SpaceMouse Pro at work, but have retired it due to coating breakdown.
I don't have any Enterprise devices. Right now, I've retasked the Numpad function key 4 to Desktop Mode toggle, but am not married to it (mostly a novelty for me), so all 4 are fair game for this exercise. The next row below that is also seldom-used.

I saw some instructions from you on this subject here:
It looks like GoTo would be appropriate for dedicated Persistent ButtonBank selectors, while PushPop would work for Temporary. I take it the ButtonBank named STR_DEFAULT_BUTTONBANK would be the one to choose to GoTo "home", in general; is that correct? At any rate, I usually get the gist of the protocol from the examples.

Next could be used to cycle through them using a single button, though keeping track without the LCD or other driver feedback could be frustrating, thus a dedicated GoTo STR_DEFAULT_BUTTONBANK seems a likely addition.

The PushPop usage with the Numpad would be a bit physically awkward for me, as it's located to the left of my SpaceMouse Compact, but I'd still want to try it out.

I'd be glad to take a look at any files you're willing to provide.
Michael Hoopes
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