Is either Space Pilot/Space Explorer anygood for 2D AutoCAD?

Questions and answers about 3Dconnexion devices on Windows.

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Is either Space Pilot/Space Explorer anygood for 2D AutoCAD?

Post by iain2D »


I use am currently using AutoCAD LT 2006 (probably upgrade soon) as an architectural assistant. I have been experiencing RSI problems in my hands as a result of using the middle scroll button all day everyday (using the on-screens icons or typing is too slow). I have therefore been looking for an alternative to the roller scroll to zoom in/out and pan around.

I have changed my set up so I am using two mice, one in my right hand to simply point the curser and one in my (less painful) left hand to do the roller scrolling and clicking. However, I am now finding my left hand is becoming painful too, because of the roller sroll. I have brought lots of new mice/graphics pens/touch pads etc. Some have helped in terms of the pointing and clicking but I have yet solve the middle roller button problem.

Now this brings me the 3D Connexion products.

1) Is either the Space Explorer or Space Pilot suitable for me??

2)If so, which would be best? As I understand it they are both essentially the same except the Space Pilot can store different combinations of button set ups (?)

3) Will I be able to use the left button click and right button click on the Space Pilot or Space Explorer? Do they both have these programmble buttons? - It has to be easy for me to zoom in/out/pan then immediately be able to find the buttons for left/right button clicks.

4) What will I have to do to zoom in/out and pan around using the either the Space Pilot or Explorer? (What are the motions I will need to do) For example, on the demonstrations on the 3Dconnexion website it looks like you pull the nob up to pan - this looks like it might be alot of effort all day long?? Or are they programmable??

Thanks so much!!!


P.S (I have posted this letter on both the 'Space Pilot for Windows' and 'Space Explorer for Windows' forums - hope you dont mind.)
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Post by ngomes »

This thread is a duplicate. Original is here.
Nuno Gomes