CAD MOUSE Customised Right Click Menu

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CAD MOUSE Customised Right Click Menu

Post by AUS_Wally »

CAD MOUSE Customised Right Click Menu

Hi Everybody,

If the functionality excited to swap them i think it would appeal to more users. Yes it is fantastic for auto 2d (5% of my time) i use it more then the spaceball great.! however in either inventor or solidworks (3d 95% of my time) i've been using my middle finger to right click for 10 years not my ring finger to right click.

Not only that, we've had a couple of these mice do the rounds at the office, guys that using cad since the industry started using it say exactly the same. Love the mouse, but can't change primary finger.

Everybody also uses explorer, chrome, office and many other programs. In some of the programs the middle button isn't used. I end up with two right click buttons. Kinda defeats the purpose.

The software side is fantastic, easy and simple to use. Is possible to request an addition customizable right click button to the menu as per the screenshot below?

Please, please.! I've tried every other mouse override program out there to do this.
Screen Shot.jpg
Screen Shot.jpg (34.54 KiB) Viewed 10140 times
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